
Congratulations Grand Master Kim!

Grand Master Kim has recently been appointed to the 2016 Grand Master Advisory Council for the National Taekwondo Body in Australia (STA).

The Council comprises 8th and 9th dan Australian Grand Masters and act in an advisory capacity to the Board, CEO and Administration Manager

The Grand Master Advisory Committee is an advisory council that assists the Board by providing guidance and advice on policy and operations in relation to the education and technical development of Taekwondo instructors and practitioners.  The Council does not have executive powers or responsibilities but provides advice or makes recommendations in the following areas:

  • The current Black Belt examination syllabus and guidelines, its relevance and ways in which the syllabus and standards can be improved.
  • The creation and maintenance of a National Instructor Education Program, including a behavioural code of Conduct for Instructors.
  • The development and improvement of the various STAL Council and Committee Strategic Plans.
  • Draft policies for Board approval where necessary.
  • A register of Instructor qualifications and accreditations for all Instructors registered through STAL.
  • Codes of conduct for the Instructors and practitoners registered through STAL.
  • Portfolios which will be co-ordinated by a member of the Council:
    • International Liason
    • Instructor Education, Certification and Accreditation
    • Instructor mentoring and personal development

(Sports Taekwondo Australia)